Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Labor Force Statistics Latest Numbers

Current Population Survey (CPS) households conducted by the Census Bureau, Bureau of Labor Statistics for monthly reports. It provides a comprehensive body of work force data, employment, unemployment, work force, hours of work, income and other demographic and work force characteristics of persons.

September 2010, the employment situation is scheduled for 8.October 2010 at 8: 30 Eastern Time to unlock it.

03 September 2010
Nonfarm Payroll employment changed little (-54,000) in August and the unemployment rate was approximately unchanged 9.6% reflects the Government's employment decreased. 114,000 temporary decennial census work on the invoice.Private sector payroll employment continued to Trend up modestly (+ 67,000). more ...

25. August 2010
In 2009 the population accounted for 19.2% of people with disabilities among persons in employment without disabilidád accounted for 64.5% of the population. unemployment rate of persons with disabilities was 14.5% higher than for disability, which was 9.0%.
The complete text: (HTML) (PDF)

26 August 2010
January 2007 through December 2009 was less than three years from the date of the provisional regulation, almost twice as many comprehensive report in January 2005 to December of 2007 for the work had to go to 6.9 million workers are victims.January 2010 approximately half the displaced workers were again, down to about two-thirds of the previous survey.
The complete text: (HTML) (PDF)

14. September 2010,
Wage and salary workers had their current employer employee hallintaoikeusmuodot referred to as the median number of years was 4.4 January 2010. among the growth reflects Hallintaoikeusmuodot at work, in part, by the last recession in less senior employees in relatively large job losses.
The complete text: (HTML) (PDF)

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CPS DatabasesSeries report — already know the series identifier for the statistic you want? a shortcut is a quick way to retrieve the data. Flat files to the FTP server – or those who want everything. Flat file a whole database or large subset of the population status of the database. Employment transatlantic to date (TXT) (PDF) employment status until the 1970s sex (TXT) (PDF) employment status, detailed age 2009 annual average (TXT) (PDF) employment status, educational attainment, 2009 annual averages (TXT) (PDF) employment detailed occupation, sex, race, and Hispanic ethnicity, 2009 annual averages (TXT) (PDF) detailed the median weekly earnings by occupation and sex, 2009 annual average (TXT) (PDF)

Annual tables of monthly tables Quarterly tables

All CPS data tables»

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Where can I find the unemployment rate for previous years?How is the unemployment rate is related to unemployment insurance claims?What is whereas seasonal adjustment?Why does the Government collect statistics on the unemployed?where the statistics come from?What are the basic concepts of employment and unemployment?WHO is calculated as employed?who is unemployed?


Employment, hours, and the result of the CES (national) monthly national survey data detailed industry on employment, hours and nonfarm establishments within the territory of the unemployment statistics. Local monthly recalculation of employees ' earnings, and annual employment, unemployment and work force data for Census regions and divisions, the United States, regions, metropolitan areas, and many cities, National longitudinal studies at the residence. several locations, collect data on multiple job market in a timely fashion and life experiences of six groups of American men and women in employment and wages for over 800 occupations and for about 400 nonfarm industries for the nation, as well as professional information employment statistics Data youth. Occupational States and metropolitan areas.
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For more information about these specific topics:

Written inquiries may be directed to:
US Bureau of Labor Statistics
Division of Labor Force statistics
A series of 4675
2 Massachusetts Avenue, NE
Washington, DC 20212-0001

Bureau of Labor Statistics does not contain information about unemployment insurance (UI):

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